Vol. 39, No. 1           March 2012


Title and Author(s) Page
item Infinitely many homoclinic orbits for supperlinear Hamiltonian systems
Jun Wang, Junxiang Xu and Fubao Zhang
ABSTRACT. In this paper we study the first order nonautonomous Hamiltonian system
\dot{z}=\Cal J H_{z}(t,z),
where $H(t,z)$ depends periodically on $t$. By using a generalized linking theorem for strongly indefinite functionals, we prove that the system has infinitely many homoclinic orbits for weak superlinear cases.
item Positive solutions for a 2nth-order p-Laplacian boundary value problem involving all even derivatives
Jiafa Xu, Zhongli Wei and Youzheng Ding
ABSTRACT. In this paper, we investigate the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for the following $2n$th-order $p$-Laplacian boundary value problem
\cases -(((-1)^{n-1}x^{(2n-1)})^{p-1})'
=f(t,x,-x^{\prime\prime},\ldots,(-1)^{n-1}x^{(2n-2)}) &\text{for } t\in [0,1],
x^{(2i)}(0)=x^{(2i+1)}(1)=0 & \text{for } i=0,\ldots,n-1, \endcases
where $n\ge 1$ and $f\in C([0,1]\times \Bbb{R}_+^{n}, \Bbb{R}_+)(\Bbb{R}_+:=[0,\infty))$ depends on $x$ and all derivatives of even orders. Based on a priori estimates achieved by utilizing properties of concave functions and Jensen's integral inequalities, we use fixed point index theory to establish our main results. Moreover, our nonlinearity $f$ is allowed to grow superlinearly and sublinearly.
item Existence results for generalized variational inequalities via topological methods
Irene Benedetti, Francesco Mugelli and Pietro Zecca
ABSTRACT. In this paper we find existence results for elliptic and parabolic nonlinear variational inequalities involving a multivalued map. Both cases of a lower semicontinuous multivalued map and an upper semicontinuous one are considered.
item Continuity of Lyapunov functions and of energy level for a generalized gradient semigroup
Eder R. Aragao-Costa, Tomas Caraballo, Alexandre N. Carvalho and Jose A. Langa
ABSTRACT. The global attractor of a gradient-like semigroup has a Morse decomposition. Associated to this Morse decomposition there is a Lyapunov function (differentiable along solutions)-defined on the whole phase space- which proves relevant information on the structure of the attractor. In this paper we prove the continuity of these Lyapunov functions under perturbation. On the other hand, the attractor of a gradient-like semigroup also has an energy level decomposition which is again a Morse decomposition but with a total order between any two components. We claim that, from a dynamical point of view, this is the optimal decomposition of a global attractor; that is, if we start from the finest Morse decomposition, the energy level decomposition is the coarsest Morse decomposition that still produces a Lyapunov function which gives the same information about the structure of the attractor. We also establish sufficient conditions which ensure the stability of this kind of decomposition under perturbation. In particular, if connections between different isolated invariant sets inside the attractor remain under perturbation, we show the continuity of the energy level Morse decomposition. The class of Morse-Smale systems illustrates our results.
item On an asymptotically linear singular boundary value problems
Dinh Dang Hai
ABSTRACT. We prove the existence of positive solutions for the singular boundary value problems
\cases \displaystyle -\Delta u=\frac{p(x)}{u^{\beta }}+\lambda f(u) & \text{in }\Omega ,
u=0 &\text{on }\partial \Omega , \endcases
where $\Omega $ is a bounded domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with smooth boundary $\partial \Omega , 0<\beta <1$, $\lambda >0$ is a small parameter, $f\colon (0,\infty )\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is asymptotically linear at $\infty$ and is possibly singular at $0$.
item Existence results for the $p$-Laplacian equation with resonance at the first two eigenvalues
Ming-Zheng Sun
ABSTRACT. In this paper, by a space decomposition we will study the existence and multiplicity for the $p$-Laplacian equation with resonance at the first two eigenvalues.
item Computing the topological degree via semi-concave functionals
Dongdong Sun, Guowei Zhang and Tie Zhang
ABSTRACT. We construct two retracts in Banach spaces and compute the topological degree for completely continuous operator by means of semi-concave functional. The results extend and complement the previous conclusions.
item Dynamics of shear homeomorphisms of tori and the Bestvina-Handel algorithm
Tali Pinsky and Bronislaw Wajnryb
ABSTRACT. Sharkovski{\u\i} proved that the existence of a periodic orbit of period which is not a power of 2 in a one-dimensional dynamical system implies existence of infinitely many periodic orbits. We obtain an analog of Sharkovski{\u\i}'s theorem for periodic orbits of shear homeomorphisms of the torus. This is done by obtaining a dynamical order relation on the set of simple orbits and simple pairs. We then use this order relation for a global analysis of a quantum chaotic physical system called the kicked accelerated particle.
item Neumann problems with double resonance
Donal O'Regan, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou and George Smyrlis
ABSTRACT. We study elliptic Neumann problems in which the reaction term at infinity is resonant with respect to any pair $\{ \widehat{\LA}_m, \widehat{\LA}_{m+1}\}$ of distinct consecutive eigenvalues. Using variational methods combined with Morse theoretic techniques, we show that when the double resonance occurs in a ``nonprincipal'' spectral interval $[\widehat{\LA}_m, \widehat{\LA}_{m+1}]$, $ m\geq 1$, we have at least three nontrivial smooth solutions, two of which have constant sign. If the double resonance occurs in the ``principal'' spectral $[\widehat{\LA}_0=0,\widehat{\LA}_1]$, then we show that the problem has at least one nontrivial smooth solution.
item Stationary states for nonlinear Dirac equations with superlinear nonlinearities
Minbo Yang and Yanheng Ding
ABSTRACT. In this paper we consider the nonlinear Dirac equation
-i\pa_t\psi=ic\hbar\sum^3_{k=1}\al_k\pa_k\psi-mc^2\bt\psi+ G_\psi(x,\psi).
Under suitable superlinear assumptions on the nonlinearities we can obtain the existence of at least one stationary state for the equation by applying a generalized linking theorem.
item Inverses, powers and cartesian products of topologically deterministic maps
Michael Hochman and Artur Siemaszko
ABSTRACT. We show that if $(X,T)$ is a topological dynamical system which is deterministic in the sense of Kaminski, Siemaszko and Szymanski then $(X,T^{-1})$ and $(X\times X,T\times T)$ need not be deterministic in this sense. However if $(X\times X,T\times T)$ is deterministic then $(X,T^{n})$ is deterministic for all $n\in{\Bbb N}\setminus\{0\}$.

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